This is my story

Buckle you seatbelt!

I took a Production Design Class at Gnomon School of Visual Effects in Hollywood. On the last day of the class, after all of the students left the room I walked over to the instructor, John Mahoney and asked him to look at my sketchbook. He flipped through the pages and said, "Your drawings are cool." I did not accept this, so I asked him to look again and be brutally honest - "I can take it" I said. He opened and closed the book and said, "your drawings are terrible." Now that's what I was looking for. 

I asked him to coach me privately. At first he was reluctant but in time I wore him down by showing up wherever he was and constantly nagging him for advice and critique of my work. My plan worked!! I started intensively practicing the exercises he gave me as if I was training to be a Jedi (in my mind I actually was).

One of the main things I was instructed to do was draw from observation. I did this mostly on the public transit system since there was always somebody to draw.

I was really inspired to draw protests and public action events. I loved the challenge of drawing with lots of people and distractions all around me. Drawing successful pictures under pressure was very rewarding.

I learned how to confidently draw from observation. I reached a point that there was nothing that I couldn't draw.

Dawood reportage drawing in the middle of a turbulent protest in Oakland, California

I would draw at every opportunity and everywhere I went. The techniques I had learned made me an absolute drawing machine.

Reportage drawing a teacher's strike protest in Oakland, California

I would stop people in public to draw portraits of them on the spot

Reportage drawing a heated meeting at City Hall in Oakland, California

Reportage drawing at Flax Art Supply San Francisco, California

Botanical drawing (trees and plants) in Tilden Regional Park Berkeley, California

I became so feverish about drawing that even drew self portraits while waiting for my plate to arrive at restaurants LOL :)

A cool thing I discovered was the better I got at drawing the better I was at painting. Drawing sharpened my observational skills. Below is an image of my first attempt at oil painting. By studying the work of John Singer Sargent I learned that by improving my drawing ability I could decrease the amount of strokes and effort needed to execute a painting. 

One of the main things I was instructed to do was draw from observation. I did this mostly on the public transit system since there was always somebody to draw.

The skills I had developed helped me land jobs at design studios and a video game company. This period was a real adventure as it required me to learn other styles of drawing such as technical digital illustration. I learned to use a variety software to bring my drawings to a whole new level.

The skills I had developed helped me land jobs at design studios and a video game company. This period was a real adventure as it required me to learn other styles of drawing such as technical digital illustration. I learned to use a variety software to bring my drawings to a whole new level.

In the image above I created digital venue interior illustrations for a design firm in Glendale, California.

Teaching a Reportage Drawing workshop at Sharon Art Studio in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Some students would come into my one-day workshops at 10am drawing stick figures, by 3pm they would be able to the entire interior of the room and everyone in the class

Dawood teaching a drawing workshop at Sharon Art Studio in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Drawing with my feet - class demonstration at Sharon Art Studio in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Around 2006 I started my Youtube Channel with Demonstration drawing videos as well as providing tips to help people improve their skills. I received a flood of emails and comments by people from across the globe who wanted to thank me for the videos and asking if I had an online course. I did not so I created an ebook "Drawing Toolbox." 

After promoting my in-person workshops in San Francisco online, I received lots of requests for an online course that would help people who were not in the area or the US. 

Dawood teaching a high school drawing class in Oakland, California

Dawood teaching a drawing class at Oakland School for the Arts

I created the HI-Powered Drawing online course to teach people how to improve their drawing skills. This later morphed into the See It Draw It.

Today I am passionate about keeping traditional drawing alive and well in the Bay Area, California and around the world.

You can view my work and sign up for my course free 4-day drawing course here:

Free 4-Day Drawing Course

A word from my mentor John Mahoney

I recommend Dawood Marion with my highest regard. He has shown his advanced skills and enthusiasm in my Production Design Class at Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Hollywood. His work has become personal and he has a fantastic work ethic. As a teacher, you hope for students with excitement and curiosity... and Dawood had all of that and a lot more. I felt because of his unique background and his intelligence that he could become a major contributor to the entertainment industry. Throughout out this past year, Dawood has consistently surprised me with the concept art he has been coming up with. His artistic growth has been staggering. I'm sure any studio would benefit from having Dawood on their team. I picture Dawood heading his own studio some day... with his unique stamp on every frame of film that is produced. I think he has great potential to do anything he chooses.

John Mahoney
Production Design
Professor at Cal Arts / Lucas Films /USC / Gnomon School of Visual Effects

Dawood Marion and his mentor John Mahoney